Thursday, April 26, 2012

11 Questions Tag!

 I was tagged by Tarra from  :D
I haven't been tagged in a while, and I haven't had as much time for normal blog posts with moving so I thought it was a good time to do one, plus I was tagged :P.

The rules of the tag as as follows:

1. Each tagged person must answer the 11 questions given to them by their "tagger" and post it on their blog
2. Then, choose 11 new people to tag and link them in your post.
3. Create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer
4. Go to their page and tell them they've been tagged!
5. Do not tag back the person who has already tagged you.

Here are the questions she asked!

1. If you could time travel, would you go backwards or forwards? What place would you go to?
Hmm..I think too much, If I couldn't remember the time I passed if I skipped ahead then I would rather go back in time than miss out watching my daughter grow. But I would be tempted to get out of these terrible twos!
I'd likely just go back and re-live the past and just enjoy it again and hope I didn't cause it to change any.

2.  What is you favorite makeup brand and why?
Only one?!? It varies really per product!Overall I'd have to say Urban Decay & Mac are my top two!
Urban Decay is what I own the most of, great quality products and you can't beat the palettes! Mac is my #1 fav for lippies

3.  If you where stuck on an island, what three items would you bring?
A lighter, a tent, and a air mattress lol

4.  If you could be a movie character, who would you be?
I really don't know, my mind keeps going back to Baby from Dirty Dancing though.

5.  Who is your favorite person in history?
Benjamin Franklin

6.  If you could trade places with anyone in the world for one day, who would it be and why?
I need to come back to this.. I have a dirty mind and I was just thinking of what celeb I could be to make them come give me a visit ;) hahaha! Shh..

Okay, a less pervy answer!
Probably my daughter, Just to make sure she is super happy :)
Plus I'm curious what 2 year olds think of lol

7.  What is your dream job?
Creating nail polish! Haha or a Photographer, or Artist of pretty much any kind. I wish  could be a painter.
I love crafty hobbies lol.

8.  If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
You know, I don't really have a dream place to live. I'd like to visit California, NY, Italy, all kinds of places.
But I honestly wish I was just living near all my friends and family back where I am from in Georgia.

It is hot, humid, but it will always be home in part of my heart. The rest is just like home is where my daughter and hubby are. I'd live anywhere as long as I was with them.

[Home is where the hearthstone is!] hehe

9.  You have 15 minutes to pack for an unknown destination for an unknown amount of time, what would you take?
Some makeup, my phone & charger, camera, a drink, snack, my prescriptions, headphones,hand sanitizer, and baby wipes. lol They are handy to have. Oh and some changes of clothes of course!

10. Favorite color?
Purple, hands down.

11.  What is your favorite comfort food?
My mom's homemade macaroni and cheese. It is the best. I really miss it!

Okay here are my 11 questions!
1. If you could have one superpower/"gift" what would it be and why?

2. If you had to have the same polish on for the rest of your life, which would you choose?

3. What is your all time favorite book or Author?

4. If you could choose to change anything about yourself, whether it be Physical or just to better yourself as a person, what would you change?

5. If you had to live in a movie, tv show or video game which would you choose to exist in!?

6. What do you feel is the best quality you possess?

7. How would you spend your last day on earth if you knew when that day was?

8. If you had a chance to meet anybody (alive or dead) who would you meet?

9. What is your favorite dessert?

10. What is your all time fav band?

11. Do you have a weird quirk, or something a little strange that you do? What is it!? (lol I twitch, and snort haha)

I tag!!!.......

Rie from Nails and Noms
Sarah from Chalkboard Nails
Loodie from loodieloodieloodie
Deborah from Love. Varnish, Chocolate and More..
Sammy from nailasaurus
Amy from imfeelingnail-venturous
Debbie from
Jen from
Sarah from
Tera from
Rebecca from