Hi guys! I just wanted to make a post saying that I am sorry I fell off the grid recently!
After New Years we were heading home from my sister's house and we got in a car accident.
Don't worry nothing too bad, luckily we were all 100% fine. Not an amazing way to start off the new year though!
We headed back to my sisters house after the accident and decided to wait out the snow and leave the next day.
So that is what we did! But then on the way home, about an hour out our tire popped on the interstate. *sigh*
It was just a really not great start this year lol!
So we finally got home and then after a couple of days it was my birthday! (The 5th!)
For my birthday my family headed up here with their laptops in tow to have a birthday celebration of sorts lol.
We snacked, ate cheesecake and played a lot of WoW. So yep, pretty much a birthday LAN party with my family, hehe.
For those of you who don't know what WoW is, it's a MMO called World of Warcraft.
Me and my hubby have been playing early 2007. But I quit about 2 years ago.
My husband deployed and I stopped playing due to less time, and pretty much gave up gaming in general
with a couple of annual exceptions. It's hard to try to raid with a small child, so I quit.
But Sky is older now, she likes to play with her toys alone sometimes, likes to color, or plays her DS
or ABC Mouse (amazing btw) so I get some time to play without the guilt now!
Well...mostly. Now I feel guilt for not blogging! I just wanted to take some time off from the stressful start of the
year and do something I missed so much with my family, something I sacrificed to be a better mother.
(Not that all people have to quit doing something they love to be a good parent!
I personally am just bad at juggling time and spent too much time on WoW)
I continued not playing because of my blog and how much time it takes, not that I mind
I just know doing both will be hard for me which is why I didn't give in... until now! D:
But I just hit level 90 on my main character the other day so I should have more free time now.
Started raiding with my hubby, sister, and bil again for the first time in years!
Anyway I just wanted to let you know why I haven't been blogging, and don't worry I'm not quitting or anything,
I just felt I needed a "me break" and a break to feel the joy and love for blogging again.
so sorry for this long and text-y! I just felt you guys deserved an explanation from me. :)
Now that I explained, here are some screen shots from WoW!
Here is my main, my mage! Does the name look familiar? hehe |
My druid! |
Here is my Rogue :) This was my very first character. She was so awesome when the level cap was 70.
I really need to level my alts. I have other characters on my old server as well. |
Some screenshots of Hyjal, I was flying through to go to level up my Archaeology and I just love this place!
I just wish it was the Eye of Sauron! hehe |
I *believe* this was in the Siege of Orgrimmar but I'm still learning the new raids D:
I got a new awesome staff from this run :D |
I also feel the need to mention that I named my character "Snookie" that because I used to call my husband that when we were younger. (Way before JS) I hate reality tv shows and it has nothing to do with Jersey Shore, lol.
That show ruined my nickname for him :( At least that nickname anyway.
Do any of you guys play WoW or another mmo? If you play wow let me know which sever you are on!
I've been tempted to do wow nail art in the past, now that i am playing again I might have to!