Monday, July 15, 2013

Contrary Polish Color Context Trio - Swatches & Review!

Hey guys! Today's post is the new Collection/Trio from Contrary Polish!!
I'm loving these rich colors, I know summer is mostly about brights but I miss the deep shades!
And be sure to go check out her anniversary polish Gift Wrap!

*Products in this post were sent to me for the purpose of a 100% honest unbiased review.*
Contrary Polish Blood Orange

Blood Orange - Three thin coats.
"Red base with gold shimmer; overall polish has an orange tint"

Blood Orange is a gorgeous rich jelly-ish red that I think will look great on all skin tones.
The gold shimmer makes the polish appear to have a orange sheen.

Contrary Polish Greenhouse

Greenhouse  - Three thin coats.

"Blue base with gold shimmer; overall polish looks green"

Greenhouse is super interesting! It's a blue teal-ish base with tons of green shimmer.
It has so much shimmer that it basically looks green!

Contrary Polish Indigo Rose

Indigo Rose - Three thin coats.

"Blue base with red-orange shimmer; shimmer appears red-purple
and gives overall polish a purple tint"

The red-orange shimmer makes Indigo Rose appear purple instead of the blue base color, it's really neat!


All three of these polishes are crazy gorgeous, even more so in person!
My flash on camera made them look a bit sheer whereas in person it didn't look sheer whatsoever.
Indigo Rose is probably my favorite, it's so unique! But Greenhouse and Blood Orange are killer too!
I wore greenhouse for four days and then took it off today to swatch but I had zero chips and very minor tip wear!
Contrary Polish makes the best shimmers, if you haven't checked out her polishes than you definitely should!
Especially for those who want to try indies but dislike glitter bombs!
All of the Contrary Polishes I have tried have all had impeccable formula's and these were no exception!
They apply very evenly and smoothly, they aren't too funny so you don't have to worry about flooding your cuticles but they aren't too thick either. Seriously top notch formulas!

Contrary Polishes are available for purchase from the following websites:

Norway Nails
Shoppe Eclecticco
Femme Fatale Cosmetics

You can also order mini's directly from her through her blog.

Follow Contrary Polish on Facebook and Twitter!

Contrary Polish Collage

What do you guy think of this collection? Have you tried Contrary Polish?

*Products in this post were sent to me for the purpose of a 100% honest unbiased review.*