Hey guys! Any other Breaking Bad fans excited and sad today? I know I am!
Such a weird mixture of emotions lol!
So last night I was procrastinating, I didn't feel like painting my nails or swatching but then I was like..
Why not do Breaking Bad nail art for the finale?! It's been on my nail art to do list anyway!
Man I haven't done nail art in a while, It's crazy how fast I get that "rusty" feeling.
So these are far from perfect but hell it was a last minute decision at like 2 am and I did my best :) Enjoy!!

Thumb: The Los Pollos Hermanos Logo, except just the chicken heads
(There is no way I could have for their entire bodies! Heck their heads aren't even recognizable lol!)
Polishes I used: Zoya Pippa, Jancyn, and Thandie along with Sparitual Clay. I used those for the gradient! I also used Milani White on the Spot. The rest was acrylic paints.
Pointer & Middle: The Breaking Bad show Logo!
Polishes I used: Essie Mojito Madness topped with Elevation Polish Wuyi Mountain as the base color.
Chin Glaze Holly-Day and Milani White on the spot for the logo.
Ring: Heisenberg! (I saw this tutorial here!)
Zoya Phoebe topped with Mosheen as the base. I used black acrylic paint to draw Heisenberg.
I kept screwing up on him so I actually painted him onto a pain stamper and made a decal :)
Pinky: The Golden Moth Chemical Logo that is on their Methylamine Barrels.
I used a combination of Black and yellow acrylic paint with A England Camelot and Zoya Pippa!
Who else can't wait for the finale? I can't wait but at the same time I don' want it to end :(
I rewatched the whole show in the past few weeks and I'm even more sad now lol!
I hope you guys enjoyed this post and I hope you all have a A1 day!
Also, Please refrain from leaving spoilers below for those who haven't seen the show!

*Some products in this post were sent to me for the purpose of a 100% honest unbiased review.*