Okay well this is late LOL Seeing as it is almost the next weekend but still :P Last weekend me & my hubby London went to Amber's (
http://rainbowsandsparklesblog.blogspot.com/) House and had a blast! We went to tons of stores and got a bunch of goodies! My poor hubby was dragged by us to Sally's, Ross, Ulta, Charming Charlie's, and a mall and most the stores in it lol. So here are some pictures of what I got! First I will include the picture I took at her house, but I took better ones here so you could see everything better :)
Tomorrow is the LAST day to enter my blog giveaway so enter if you haven't and pass it along too!
You can Enter
The top row is a Runts scented polish set that me & Amber found at Ross for $3.99, And the bottom row from left to right is Sally Hansen Crackle in Distressed Denim, Vintage Violet, Antiqued Gold, Butter London's-Dosh, Essie-Pretty Edgy, & Essie-Demure Vixen. |
Top Row: Essence-Where is the Party?, Wet n Wild Hannah-Pinktana & Blue Wants to Be A Millionaire, Essence-Pointbreak, & My Boyfriend's Jeans
Bottom Row: Finger Paints-Hue Rang?, Laugh my Art Off & Give Pink A Chance, OPI-I juggle Men, Chg- White Cap, And A random brand of polish I found at Ross lol I can't find a color Name. |
Nicole by OPI colors Never Give Up, Me + Blue, & Leaf Me Alone! ( I scored the last one for $99 at Ross!) |
Let me know what you would like to see in coming up posts! I just painted my nails with Zoya-Barbie & should have it posted tomorrow! <3 you guys!
& For fun here is a picture Amber took of me and my hubby at Charming Charlie's! I put a Tiara on London HAHA Bad picture of me though D: