Saturday, May 28, 2011

My First Glitter Gradient Mani ^_^

Hey guys! I haven't felt very good at all today and somebody suggested glitter to help cheer me up :) It has helped a little, but still not feeling that well I just want to go to bed lol but it is only 7pm!
Today i used another one of my new Barielle's, Slate of Affairs. And Then I sponged on Deborah Lippmann's Today was a fairytale, and voilà :D Let me know what you think! It was hard to get decent pictures because the glitter I guess so I hope these will do!
- Sarah <3 

Friday, May 27, 2011

Barielle Elle's Spell Swatches!

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't posted too much lately : ( No excuse really just been hanging around on my new comfy couch and mostly doing nothing. But I did get my Barielle order that I placed on Tuesday already! They were on sale + I used a 15% off code and I got 10 polishes for $25.50, they are normally $8 each!! These are my first ones but I have heard great things form their brand! This is Elle's Spell, I love it! I am a huge fan of polishes with flakies! & Jelly based polishes and this is both! Takes a few coats but it is so pretty!
Barielle Elle's Spell

Barielle Elle's Spell

Barielle Elle's Spell
Here are three pictures lol They pretty much all look about the same, they are so close it is hard to decide which so I posted all three! <3 you guys!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Wet n Wild Buffy the Violet Slayer + Chg Electric Lilac

Hey guys! This will be a short post because I am absolutely exhausted! I cleaned a TON today because our new sectional & dining table will get here finally :D I want it to look nice (well as nice as it can lol) SOO excited! Me and the hubs haven't ever even had a dining table at all LOL and our couch atm is so broken, the springs underneath are like unattached and it is not comfy at all! I will have to post pictures :) But anywhoo Today I painted my Nails with WnW Buffy the Violet Slayer, my hubby picked it for me when I asked him what color to paint them earlier before we went to see the new POTC movie! (I am obsessed with Johnny Depp!) :) I have two sets of pictures because it randomly came out blue sometimes and then other times very purple.. It looks more purple than blue int he bottle to me but I think it depends on the light and it kind of switches or something, either way I like it! The swatches of it without Chg Electric Lilac are not very neat I painted them way too fast before the other coat was all the way dry but we had a lot to do today! Without further ado lol here are pictures :) Nect time i use Electric Lilac I am putting it over Finger Paints Hue Rang? I think it will be gorgeous!
Wnw-Buffy the Violet Slayer, 3 coats (in lamp light)
Wnw-Buffy the Violet Slayer, 3 coats & Chg Electric Lilac in lamplight

Wnw-Buffy the Violet Slayer, 3 coats (camera flash)

Wnw-Buffy the Violet Slayer, 3 coats & Chg Electric Lilac with camera flash

I hope you all have a great day! <3 you guys!
<3 Sarah!

Monday, May 23, 2011

The ABC's of ME!


22, but I feel older. lol.

B. Bed Size

C. Chore I hate:
Doing the dishes! I despise it, my hubby washes them hehe.

D. Day
Saturday's I guess lol they are all about the same for me though!

E. Essential start of your day:
Getting hugs and kisses from Skylar. <3

F. Favorite Color:

G. Gold or Silver?:

H. Height:
5'1 I'm a shorty!

I. Instruments:
None. : / I'm boring.

J. Job Title:
Stay At home Mommy :)

K. Kids
Skylar Grace, she is the most beautiful, adorable kid in the world! She is 20 months old!

L. Live
On the border of Tennessee & Kentucky! Fort Campbell is in both.

M. Mom's name:

N. Nicknames
Samarium! (lol), Piggy/Pigsterr. Kind nickname form the family huh? I have always had a bottomless pit as a stomach, plus I love pigs!

O. Overnight stay at hospital:
On a few occasions, two nights after I had my daughter and a few times for my gallbladder attacks (before we knew what it was, went to the er a lot.) And two or so nights when I had to get the evil gallbladder removed!

P. Pet Peeves:
People who scrape their teeth on metal utensils. Being interrupted, being hung up on.

Q. Quote from a movie:
"“Me? I’m scared of everything. I’m scared of what I saw, I’m scared of what I did, of who I am, and most of all I’m scared of walking out of this room and never feeling the rest of my whole life the way I feel when I’m with you.” Dirty Dancing

R. Right or left handed:
Right handed, BUT I used to be a lefty when I was young! The way my mom says it my school was like hardcore on me like nazi's and forced me to use my right hand. So I write with my right hand, I eat with both. I do everything like cartwheels, splits, pirouettes (when I was on dance lol I wasn't for long I sucked LOL) and some other random things opposite as normal right handed people still.

S. Siblings
Two, one older brother & one older sister.

T. Time you wake up:
9:00/9:30am-ish depends on when Sky wakes up!

U. Underwear:
I wear underwear.. lol awkward much?

V. Vegetable you hate:
I really enjoy most food but when I tried brussel sprouts they were gross lol.

W. What makes you late?:
My Daughter usually, or being a procrastinator :)

X. Xrays you've had:
My abdomen, teeth.. I think that is all? Who knows.

Y. Yummy foods you can make:
Chicken Tacos, Pot Roast, Pineapple Upside Down cake, Spaghetti

Z. Zoo:
I have only been to one lol It is the Riverbanks Zoo, I don't even remember where it is maybe Columbia, SC?

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Silver, Black & White Leopard print Mani

Last night I stamped my nails with BM-221 I decided on Leopard print! I painted my nails with Finger Paints-Paper Mache (white creme finish) And stamped over that with Sally Hansen Insta-Dri in Silver Sweep.. lol then I stamped once more with the same image on the plate but I used Konad black stamping polish. The design smudged some (I use Seche Vite no idea why it smudges sometimes : /) But I am not pro at stamping yet but I can tell I am improving! I also painted over SV with Essie's Matte about you to see how it would look matte as well  Hope you all enjoy, even with the smudging I like this more than I thought I would! Nowhere near perfect but I think it is cute. Have a awesome day! *Oh and sorry I know I didn't do very well on the clean up but I had to take pictures and post this before Sky woke from her nap!)
With SV topcoat
:( My poor pinky nail keeps breaking! It is the weakest the rest are pretty tough I don't get it!
With SV topcoat
(You can click to enlarge)

(You can click to enlarge)
 (you can click the horizontal ones to enlarge to see it better if you wish, my blog layout won't let me make them bigger without looking weird and being behind text & such lol)

Have a good day/night! 

Saturday, May 21, 2011

My Two Giveaway Winners Are........


Definately Addicted!


I wrote everybody down from 1-81 in excel int he order that they FIRST commented in, a few got deleted but reappeared so some of you guys posted more than once but I just counted the first time and excluded the multiples and my post of course :)

Since Devin was chosen first I am giving her prize #1 but I hope you both like them prizes!

I will be emailing you two very shortly and mailing out your loot on Monday unless I don't hear back from you!! I hope you both like them :D

Sorry I can't give everybody something! But there WILL be more giveaways in the future! maybe at 200 or 250 followers!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Zoya Barbie stamped with BM plate 201

Hey everybody :) I hope you are all having wonderful Fridays! Mine is pretty good, still a little shaken up about a terrifying spider that was in my kitchen this morning though D: They scare the f*ck outta me lol But other than that it has been a pretty good day :) Me and my hubby took Sky to the park since it was sunny and warm. 
Here are pictures from the park :)
Skylar in the swing :)

And my hubby London and our daughter Sky <3

And the reason you all are here hehe Pictures of Zoya's Barbie, which I surprisingly's not really a "Sarah" color but I liked it a lot!

"Zoya Nail Polish in Barbie can be best described as: Soft, warm medium baby pink with very subtle hot pink shimmer. An adorable girly shade to accent any outfit." (description from the Zoya website)


Zoya-Barbie stamped with China Glaze-Admire outdoors in the sunlight

Zoya-Barbie stamped with China Glaze-Admire indoors with flash

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Haul From Last Weekend at Amber's!

Okay well this is late LOL Seeing as it is almost the next weekend but still :P Last weekend me & my hubby London went to Amber's ( House and had a blast! We went to tons of stores and got a bunch of goodies! My poor hubby was dragged by us to Sally's, Ross, Ulta, Charming Charlie's, and a mall and most the stores in it lol. So here are some pictures of what I got! First I will include the picture I took at her house, but I took better ones here so you could see everything better :)

Tomorrow is the LAST day to enter my blog giveaway so enter if you haven't and pass it along too!
You can Enter HERE

The top row is a Runts scented polish set that me & Amber found at Ross for $3.99,
And the bottom row from left to right is Sally Hansen Crackle in Distressed Denim, Vintage Violet,  Antiqued Gold, Butter London's-Dosh, Essie-Pretty Edgy, & Essie-Demure Vixen.

Top Row: Essence-Where is the Party?, Wet n Wild Hannah-Pinktana & Blue Wants to Be A Millionaire,  Essence-Pointbreak, & My Boyfriend's Jeans
Bottom Row: Finger Paints-Hue Rang?, Laugh my Art Off & Give Pink A Chance, OPI-I juggle Men, Chg- White Cap, And A random brand of polish I found at Ross lol I can't find a color Name.

Nicole by OPI colors Never Give Up, Me + Blue, & Leaf Me Alone! ( I scored the last one for $99 at Ross!)

Let me know what you would like to see in coming up posts! I just painted my nails with Zoya-Barbie & should have it posted tomorrow! <3 you guys!

& For fun here is a picture Amber took of me and my hubby at Charming Charlie's! I put a Tiara on London HAHA Bad picture of me though D:

Monday, May 16, 2011

Epic giveaway!! Gilded Nails 1500 follower giveaway!

GildedNails is having a crazy awesome, super generous giveaway!
It *IS* open internationally, and there are Three prizes! The first prize is like the best thing EVER, a ENTIRE brand new, complete set of China Glaze OMG collection!!! For those who don't know these they are the prettiest polishes ever hehe holographic gorgeousness, and really rare and expensive now.

The second prize is a brand new, complete set of the BYS Colour Change collection.

The third prize is a brand new, complete set of the Face of Australia Molten Metallics collection.

   The giveaway closes on June 15th , 2011! Goodluck to all who enter!!
Here is then
 LINK to enter!

My First Giveaway!

Hello my fellow nail polish lovers! <3 Today I have finally decided "Sarah you are going to sit down and make the effing blog giveaway post, stop slacking!" So here it is! I am a completely and total noob at this so sorry if I am no good, stick with me and I will learn ;) I have decided  that You are to #1 Be a public follower of my blog, #2 Comment on THIS post with your name & email. You will have until Friday May 20th to enter! Which I know isn't very long but My hubby gets leave very soon and we will be traveling to go visit Family and It's either a week or wait longer for the giveaway hehe but I will do more when I get more followers too! So enter by the 20th for a chance to win some free loot! :) I will have one big winner, and then a smaller 2nd winner just so you guys have more chances! & to anybody who wins either-If you have one or more of the polishes that you win already let me know I can switch it out with one I have gotten myself but not used yet or something :)

Since I am new to giveaways I am going to write you down in the order of your comments, number you accordingly then use to generate a random number!
<3 you all thank you for being a follower!

*****The Giveaway IS open Internationally aswell!!*****

Here are pictures of what I am giving away to the 1st winner
(You can click to enlarge if you want to see better)
French tip guides, A brand new Konad stamper & Born Pretty Nail stamping plate, cute nail stickers, & L.A. Colors Art Deco

Sinful Colors-Green Ocean, China Glaze-GR8 (brand new I got the bottle that way wen I ordered it),China Glaze-Atlantis, & New Opi Silver Shatter!

ChG-Coconut Kiss, ChG-Sexy int he City, ChG-Treehugger, ChG-Caribbean Temptation

Okay now the #2 winner's prize.. very small next to the grand Prize but I just wanted somebody else to get a little something too!
NYC-Starry Silver Glitter, Essie-Big Spender, Zoya-Mitzi (matte), Sinful Color-Why Not, ChG topcoat, & Chg Treehugger

Orly Galaxy Girl :)

 Hey everybody! I miss you <3 lol I'm sorry I haven't been online as much I hope you all understand! First off if you haven't already, enter my first blog giveaway [RIGHT HERE] :) Or even if you did please go check if your comment is still there! When blogger went all wonky and my posts disappeared then reappeared some of the comments were missing :( 

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! I had a pretty great time with Amber from Rainbows and Sparkles blog! Me and my hubby drove down to her house and spent the weekend there! We bought tons of polish (I still need to post my haul D:) And went to Sally's, Ulta, Charming Charlie's (we both got new purses there!), and a BUNCH of other places! lol She popped my Ulta cherry! I have ordered online before but it was my first time in one! Hopefully we can hang out again soon sometime :) She is only a hour away :D

Off to my nails today, well from yesterday too but the sun wasn't out at all so I waited to take pictures outside today :) I have on Orly's Galaxy Girl! I love it, it is so beautiful in the sun! I have more coats on than you need, but that is because after I painted them I got Amber to file my nails (Yeah I should have thought to ask before hehe) But I'm not so great at making mine squared and now they look so pretty <3 But I think this is 4 coats because of that, I normally do 2 coats with most polishes but I liked this one with three.

I will try to post my haul soon! <3 you guys! Spread the word about my giveaway please! I will be throwing in more Born Pretty plates since my order FINALLY got here!! You have until the 20th to enter!!!
Orly-Galaxy Girl

Orly- Galaxy Girl

Thursday, May 12, 2011

My DL's Came!! Red Ruby Slipper's Swatch!!

Okay wow I am in love with these <3!! I ordered these for myself for Mother's Day, Seeing as the hubby really didn't have the time to get me something because he had just gotten home! I can't wait to try them all!!
This will be a quick post since I just did the giveaway one and I need to go eat before it gets cold, then get ready for my appointment and everything but here is the Deborah Lippmann Haul I got (haha and yes 4 is considered a haul to me with how much these $$!!)

I got Today was A Fairytale, Ruby Red Slippers, Across the Universe, & Bad Romance!
They are all so amazingly gorgeous! You can even do one coat with them (ONE coat with a glitter polish?!) I honestly did two but only because I messed up where my cuticles are, I did 2 thin ones. This is without a topcoat, but I added a topcoat after so it felt smooth.

DL Ruby Red Slippers, No topcoat.

DL Ruby Red Slippers, No topcoat.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

China Glaze Senorita Bonita & Nfu oh #51

Hey all! Ugh My hubby got   me sick : ( lol he got sick like 3 days after he got home and now here I am with a super sore throat and a stuffy nose :( Not feeling very well : / I like how he stayed sick about 2 days and I have been for longer than that already and just keep getting worse >.< Sorry I haven't had much time to blog or do my nails lately, been busy with the fam :) I will be posting the giveaway post tomorrow, I was going today and still might but I need to get the time to take pictures of the loot first! But it is coming really soon! 
China Glaze Senorita Bonita, indoors with flash

Nfu oh #51 over ChG Senorita Bonita, indoors with flash

Nfu oh #51 on top of ChG Senorita Bonita outdoors in the sun :)
lol Then Opi Silver shatter on top of both of those! I wanted to try it over a darker polish

Monday, May 9, 2011

Opi ds Signature & Opi Silver shatter!

 Hey you guys! I have been missing you <3 Just been hanging out with my hubby and relaxing! I hope everybody had a great Mother's day, and if you aren't a mommy then just a wonderful Sunday :)
I ordered myself some Deborah Lippmann Polishes for my present, I can NOT wait to get them and show them to you guys!! I ordered four, Across the universe, Bad Romance, Today was a Fairytale, & Ruby Red Pumps! I hope you all have an amazing day, I am about to Get Sky down for a nap and get ready to go get some half priced Starbucks at 3pm! <3 you all! So excited that I almost have 80 followers!!
Opi ds Signature indoors w/ flash
Opi ds Signature in the sunlight :)

& here is Opi ds Signature with Opi Silver shatter on top! 

Friday, May 6, 2011

My Hubby is HOME!!! & China Glaze Caribbean Temptation

Well as the title says my hubby has returned home from his 12 months deployment! So I probably won't be blogging tons but I will still be making a effort to! The giveaway will be soon I just have one more package I am waiting on! I decided that this giveaway won't be very big since I am close to 100 so if you get me to 100 I will have a much bigger one!

Here is a mani I did a few weeks ago, Since I haven't had too much time lately <3 It is China Glaze's Caribbean Temptation, I water marbled the ring finger with ChG Coconut Kiss & ChG Sexy in the City, the color is off thought because it was over a light pink :)

Waiting on my hubby to get home! He had to go to work today, and then to a speech with President Obama and the VP also :)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Franken Swatch Spam!! *very swatch heavy*

Hey all! Yetserday I got this awesome stuff to put into polishes to turn them into holo polishes!
Here is the link on ebay

So I spent Sky's whole nap time experimenting with it! So I am just going to get started!
This will be *very swatch heavy* with before & after I mixed in holo :)

Made with Sinful Colors-Pink Forever

Made with wet n wild-sunny side up

Made with $OPI-Metro Chic

Made with Zoya-Shawn


Made with China Glaze-Black Diamond

Made with Ulta-Devious

Made with OPI-Not like the Movies

Made with China Glaze-In the Lime Light

Made with Hard Candy-Beetle

Made with $OPI-Just A Little Dangerous

Made with China Glaze-Hologram

Made with Sally Hansen-Going Green

Sorry for the messy swatches! I didn't have tons of time! Thanks for looking!